Sampling from a Mixture of Distributions

It is said that a distribution $f(x)$ is a mixture of k components distributions $f_1(x), …, f_k(x)$ if:

$f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^k \pi_i f_i(x)$

where $\pi_i$ are the so called mixing weights, $0 \le \pi_i \le 1$, and $\pi_1 + … + \pi_k = 1$. Here, new data points from distribution will be generated in the standard way: first to pick a distribution, with probabilities given by the mixing weights, and then to generate one observation according to that distribution. More information about mixture distribution can be read in Wikipedia.

1. Generating random variables from a mixture of normal distributions

To generate from a mixture distribution the R package usefr will be used.

set.seed(123) # set a seed for random generation

# ========= A mixture of three distributions =========
phi = c(7/10, 3/10) # Mixture proportions
# ---------------------------------------------------------

# === Named vector of the corresponding distribution function parameters
# must be provided
args <- list(norm = c(mean = 1, sd = 1), norm = c(mean = 5, sd = 1))
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# ===== Sampling from the specified mixture distribution ====
x <- rmixtdistr(n = 1e5, pi = pi , arg = args)
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# === The graphics for the simulated dataset and the corresponding theoretical

# mixture distribution
par(bg = "gray98", mar = c(3, 4, 2, 1) )
hist(x, 90, freq = FALSE, las = 1, family = "serif", col = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.2), border = "deepskyblue")
x1 <- seq(-4, 10, by = 0.001)
lines(x1, dmixtdistr(x1, phi = phi, arg = args), col = "red")

2. Mixture of Weibull and Gamma distributions

Mixture of normal distributions is what most frequently we see online and in paper. Let’s see the mixture of Weibull and Gamma distributions.

set.seed(123) # set a seed for random generation 
# ==== A mixture of three distributions =====
pi = c(7/10, 3/10) # Mixture proportions # --------------------------------------------------------- # === Named vector of the corresponding distribution function parameters
 # must be provided
args <- list(gamma = c(shape = 20, scale = 1/15), weibull = c(shape = 3, scale = 0.5))
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# === Sampling from the specified mixture distribution ====

 x <- rmixtdistr(n = 1e5, pi = pi , arg = args)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# === The graphics for the simulated dataset and the corresponding theoretical

# mixture distribution
par(bg = "gray98", mar = c(3, 4, 2, 1) )
hist(x, 90, freq = FALSE, las = 1, family = "serif", col = "cyan1", border = "deepskyblue")
x1 <- seq(-4, 10, by = 0.001)
 lines(x1, dmixtdistr(x1, pi = pi, arg = args), col = "red")

3. Mixture of Gamma, Weibull, and Log-Normal distributions


set.seed(123) # set a seed for random generation
# =============== A mixture of three distributions ========================
pi = c(5/10, 3/10, 2/10) # Mixture proportions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ==== Named vector of the corresponding distribution function parameters
# must be provided
args <- list(gamma = c(shape = 20, scale = 1/10),
weibull = c(shape = 4, scale = 0.8),
lnorm = c(meanlog = 1.2, sdlog = 0.08))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ======= Sampling from the specified mixture distribution =======
x <- rmixtdistr(n = 1e5, pi = pi , arg = args)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The graphics for the simulated dataset and the corresponding theoretical
# mixture distribution
par(bg = "gray98", mar = c(3, 4, 2, 1) )
hist(x, 90, freq = FALSE, las = 1, family = "serif", col = "plum1", border = "violet")
x1 <- seq(-4, 10, by = 0.001)
lines(x1, dmixtdistr(x1, pi = pi, arg = args), col = "red")